2021年9月29日 星期三

Cake Sale|蛋糕售卖活动_天天热文

时间:2023-06-20 11:00:19来源 : 互联网

Cake Sale


Grade 2&3


Throughout their final Unit Of inquiry, the students in Grades 2 & 3 have been learning about how organisations play a role in the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of food. By understanding where our food comes from and how it is produced, the students were able to better understand the mathematical skills required to process monetary and labour costs associated with them studying the use and value of various currencies.


On Monday, 19th June, the students held a cake sale to demonstrate their understanding of the cake production process and how organisations market and price such products to make a profit.


The event was very successful, with all of the cakes sold in quick succession. The visiting students and teachers were able to learn more about the processes that take place when making the cakes that we buy from the supermarket or bakery.


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Through flowchart drawings, hands-on demonstrationsof the combining of key ingredients used to make and decorate cakes, and using creative boxesto package their final products, the students confidently communicated their knowledge with others.


Hosting such an event allowed the students to embrace their entrepreneurial skills and better understand the value of money by working to earn it. Having successfully made a profit, they are excited to host similar events in the future.






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